Policies & Procedures


Members and guests of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center must adhere to facility policies as well as policies listed in the Saint Mary’s College Student Handbook, Saint Mary’s College Staff Handbook and/or Saint Mary’s College Faculty Handbook. Members or guests not abiding by policies are subject to removal from facility, suspension of membership and/or elimination of membership.


Membership and Eligibility Policy

Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center (JARC) is available for use by currently enrolled Saint Mary’s College of California Students (full-time or part-time) and Staff and Faculty. Affiliate memberships may be purchased for access to the JARC which include Alumni, Spouse/Dependents of College employees, contracted workers, and Emeritus status employees. 

  • Currently Enrolled Students  – Access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center is granted to all currently enrolled matriculated students of Saint Mary’s College of California.
    • All enrolled students must complete a liability waiver and take a photo, prior to entering the facility. Must adhere to all JARC facility policies as well as rules and regulations listed in the Saint Mary’s College Student Handbook.
    • Open enrollment students are required to purchase a membership to access the facility and its amenities. If the class they are attending is held on-site, they must check in at the front desk. Please note that without a membership, students do not have access to the facility's amenities
  • Staff and Faculty – Access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center is granted to SMC Staff and Faculty. Proper registration is required  
  • Affiliate Members – Access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center is available to Alumni, Spouse/Dependents of employees over the age of 18, contracted workers, and Emeritus status employees who purchase a membership.
  • Any Member, guest or visitor participating in disorderly conduct, or abuse of the equipment, facility, and/or staff, will result in dismissal from the facility and may lead to a suspension or revocation of membership.
  • Disregard of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center Policies or Instructions from JARC staff will result in dismissal from the facility and may lead to suspension or revocation of membership.
  • Members must follow policies and regulations as outlined in specific activity areas of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.
  • Throughout the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center, authorized photographers and videographers may be present. All pictures and video footage taken may be used for Campus Recreation or Saint Mary’s College of California’s marketing purposes.

All users with appropriate access participate at their own risk and sign the liability waiver annually.

In order to gain access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center users must have an active membership or be a registered guest of a member.

All members, visitors, and guests are required to check in at the front desk for any use of the facility. Which includes visits to offices located in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center. 

Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to access the facility as a member unless they are a currently enrolled SMC Student. This includes access to the facility, pool as well any SMC sponsored program or event.

All programs and groups that have youth participation must follow the rental and camp policies. 

Members must use the SMC Campus Recreation App or their SMC Identification card to check into the facility. Additional identification may be required to ensure proper identification.

  • Affiliate members are required to use the Campus Recreation App through a smartphone to check into the facility which involves removing the tracking component.  No other options are available at this time.

All amenities past the front entrance desk of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center are limited to members and registered guests who check in appropriately.  This includes, but is not limited to the fitness area, climbing wall, activity spaces, pool area, locker rooms, and meeting rooms.

All users with appropriate access participate at their own risk and sign the liability waiver annually.

In order to gain access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center users must have an active membership or be a registered guest of a member.

Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to use the facility unless they are a currently enrolled SMC Student. This includes access to the facility, pool as well any SMC sponsored program or event. All programs and groups that have youth participation must follow the rental and camp policies below.

All members, visitors, and guests are required to check in at the front desk for any use of the facility. Which includes visits to offices located in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center. 

Members must use the SMC Campus Recreation App or their SMC Identification card to check into the facility. Additional identification may be required to ensure proper identification.

  • Affiliate members are required to use the Campus Recreation App through a smartphone to check into the facility which involves removing the tracking component.  No other options are available at this time.

All amenities past the front entrance desk of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center are limited to members and registered guests who check in appropriately.  This includes, but is not limited to the fitness area, climbing wall, activity spaces, pool area, locker rooms, and meeting rooms.

Unauthorized Access - the following is strictly prohibited and may lead to suspension or termination of membership. See Facility Access Suspension. 

Unauthorized use of the facility and/or pool area during non-operational hours.

Attempting to gain or gaining access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center with a membership account other than what is your own.

Attempting to gain or gaining access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center with a barcode from another member on the FusionGo App.

  • Use of a screenshot will not allow access and any member allowing another individual to use a screenshot of the barcode on the FusionGo App may lead to suspension of membership.  

Allowing another individual to utilize your membership card or barcode to gain access or attempt to gain access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.

Allowing another individual to log into your SMC account in order to gain access or attempt to gain access through the SMC Campus Rec App.

Assisting in or accompanying another individual who logs into an SMC account or use of a SMC ID that does not belong to the user may lead to suspension of membership.

Attempting to utilize or using an emergency exit door to gain access or allow access to members unauthorized individuals or non-members.

Exiting through emergency exit doors in what is not declared as an actual emergency may lead to suspension of membership.

Unauthorized entry into the facility or assisting in an unauthorized entry will be grounds for immediate removal which may lead to a suspension of facility privileges or membership. Security cameras are in place to monitor access doors and activity areas.

Sponsored Guest Policy - Current SMC Students, Faculty & Staff are permitted to bring a maximum of 2 guest(s) over the age of 18 to use the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center. Guest of Students $10 per person, per day. Guests of Faculty/Staff $15 per person, per day.  Guests must be 18 years of age or older. The visit ends at closing on the date of purchase. SMC Students, Faculty & Staff are considered the “Sponsor” of the guests. Guests of SMC Students are required to enter and stay in the facility during the duration of their guests visit. Payment for guest use is only available at the front desk and must be made through the payment portal provided. Cash is not accepted. Sponsors of guests are responsible for their guests’ conduct while in the facility. 

Activity spaces, Locker rooms and pool area must be vacated at closing.

Campus Recreation reserves the right to restrict or suspend access to students who have violated facility policies and/or the SMC Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the SMC Student Handbook.

Campus Recreation follows SMC’s Zero Tolerance policy for harassment.

Members must follow guidelines and regulations as outlined in activity-specific areas. This includes the Single and Double Gymnasium, Fitness Area, Climbing Wall, Group Exercise Room, Functional Training Room, Spin Room,  Aquatic Area, and Athletic Training Room

While using the cardio machines, we ask members to use a resealable, non-breakable container.

Drinks left unattended will be disposed of.

Food consumption is limited to the hallway, conference rooms, and pool area. Food is not permitted in the activity spaces or gymnasiums. 

Alcohol and drugs are never permitted in any areas of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center including the pool area.

Smoking or vaping is never permitted in any areas of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center including the pool area.

Members are not permitted to workout or participate in activities in the facility without a top. 

Appropriate workout attire is highly recommended while participating in activities and programs. Clothing with zippers and/or abrasive material that may damage equipment is not recommended. See the approved workout attire here.

Shoes that may present a danger include, but are not limited to boots, sandals/flip-flops, Crocs, flats, and high-heels and are not recommended while participating in activities and programs. 

  • Members who do not wear proper shoes while utilizing weights assume all liability.  

All personal belongings must be out of walkways and off equipment. Do not hang bags on cardio equipment. 

Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings.

Use of headphones or earbuds is required when using a personal device. 

Amplified music and sound from a personal device are only permitted in reservable spaces with approved & scheduled use. 

Monopolization of space will not be tolerated in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.  All members must adhere to the proper reservation procedures for group use.  

Campus Recreation prohibits the use of the JARC for personal financial benefit. Individuals utilizing the facility for training, coaching, or teaching for personal gain either for profit or not may have their access suspended.

Personal Training services, training instruction, and/or activities related to training another individual or group are only permitted by individuals that are specifically employed by Saint Mary’s College for the purpose of training services or instruction. Personal Training Policy 

The use of profanity throughout the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center is prohibited.

Service animals are permitted in the facility with proper approval and registration with the campus. See Undergraduate Student Handbook pages 71-73 for more information. All other animals are prohibited from JARC. Employees have the right to ask for documentation about the campus approval. See Service Animal Policy

Fighting, rough play, and/or roughhousing are not tolerated in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center. Recurring behavior will result in the suspension of a member’s membership.

Abusive behavior, both verbally or physically, is not tolerated and may result in suspension or revocation of membership.

Public displays of affection (PDA) or intimate behavior that may cause discomfort to others is prohibited within the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.   

Campus Recreation reserves the right to remove individuals who are and/or appear to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Including actively drinking or using  alcohol and drugs. 

Class projects that include the use of space, equipment, photos, videos, and audio must have approval prior to taking place.  

  • Videography and photography must have proper approval before use and will require consent of member(s).

Subject testing (testing of persons) of any sort is required to have IRB approval. Those testing subjects will be asked to show IRB approval. 

Images and recordings that go against policy are prohibited.

Members' use of personal mobile devices in the facility for videography and photography must respect the privacy and comfort of all persons. Management reserves the right to ask members to refrain from the use of video or photos on their personal device(s) if the act is a disruption to others.

Conducting telephone conversations in common areas is highly discouraged and members will be asked to refrain from loud conversations if it causes a disruption to others.

Scooters, rollerblades, and skateboards are not permitted to use in the facility.  The Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center is not responsible for such items left unattended and items cannot be left behind the front desk.

Bicycles are not permitted in the facility.

Members who do not adhere to the policies will have their access restricted, suspended, or revoked.

Respect for all Members - Zero Tolerance for Gawking/Leering

The recreation center is provided for the health, fitness, and enjoyment of all members of our campus community. To ensure a comfortable and welcoming environment, it is essential to maintain respectful behavior at all times. This policy aims to prevent gawking and leering, which can lead to discomfort and a sense of invasion of privacy. See Policy Here.

  • Gawking is defined as staring at individuals in a prolonged, intrusive, or disrespectful manner, particularly in a manner that makes the subject feel uncomfortable or objectified. 
  • Leering refers to looking at someone in a sexually interested or unpleasantly predatory way.

POLICY:Gawking and leering at individuals in the facility and pool area is strictly prohibited. 

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Staring at individuals while they are exercising, swimming, sunbathing or engaging in other activities.
  • Making lewd or suggestive comments or gestures towards others.
  • Taking unauthorized photographs or videos of individuals without their consent.
  • Engaging in behavior that is perceived as sexually predatory or intimidating.

All individuals using the recreation center and pool facilities are entitled to privacy and should feel comfortable while doing so. Members are expected to respect the personal space and boundaries of others at all times.

Any individual found to be engaging in gawking or leering behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include but is not limited to:

  • Verbal warning.
  • Temporary suspension of gym and pool privileges.
  • Permanent revocation of gym and pool access.
  • Referral to campus authorities for further action, if necessary.

Reporting Incidents: Individuals who experience or witness gawking or leering behavior are encouraged to report it immediately to gym or pool staff or campus security. Reports will be handled privately with appropriate action taken.

The Fitness Area is only to be utilized by active Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center members.

Food is not permitted in the activity spaces or gymnasiums. 

Shoes that may present a danger include, but are not limited to boots, sandals/flip-flops, Crocs, flats, and high-heels are not recommended while participating in activities and programs. See appropriate workout apparel here. 

  • Members who do not wear proper shoes while utilizing weights assume all liability.  

While using the cardio machines, we ask members to use a resealable, non-breakable container.

All personal belongings must be out of walkways and off equipment. Do not hang bags on cardio equipment. 

Use of headphones or earbuds is required when using a personal device. 

Amplified music and sound from a personal device is only permitted in reservable spaces with approved use. 

Dropping and/or slamming of weights is strictly prohibited.

After the workout is complete, fitness equipment must be returned to its original and proper location.

Members should wipe down equipment before and after use. Cleaning wipes are available to clean equipment. 

Member’s use of chalk, powder, or liquid must be cleaned and wiped off surfaces and equipment after each use. 

Personal Training services, training instruction, and/or activities related to training another individual or group are only permitted by individuals that are specifically employed by Saint Mary’s College for the purpose of training services or instruction. See Personal Training Policy.

Member’s personal fitness or exercise equipment must have approval from management before use. If at any time personal fitness equipment presents a danger to oneself or others, member’s use of personal equipment will be denied.

The Group Exercise, Functional Training, and Spin Rooms are only to be utilized by active Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center members.

Food is not permitted in the activity spaces or gymnasiums. 

Shoes that may present a danger include, but are not limited to boots, sandals/flip-flops, Crocs, flats, and high-heels and are not recommended while participating in activities and programs. See appropriate workout apparel here. 

  • Members who do not wear proper shoes while utilizing weights assume all liability.  
  • Only non-marking shoes are to be worn in the Group Exercise Room. High heels are prohibited. 

Any equipment that may cause damage to the hardwood floors is not permitted.

Contact training including sparring, grappling, wrestling and mixed martial arts is only permitted during  SMC Campus Recreation-approved instructional classes. 

After the workout is complete, fitness equipment must be returned to its original and proper location.

Audio and video equipment is to be used by authorized staff of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.

Use of headphones or earbuds is required when using a personal device for music, workout video, etc. 

Amplified music and sound from a personal device are only permitted in reservable spaces with approved use. 

Members should wipe down equipment before and after use. Cleaning wipes are available to clean equipment. 

Member’s use of chalk, powder, or liquid must be cleaned and wiped off surfaces and equipment after each use. 

Monopolization of space will not be tolerated in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.  All members must adhere to the proper reservation procedures for group use.  

Campus Recreation prohibits the use of the JARC for personal financial benefit. Individuals utilizing the facility for training, coaching, or teaching for personal gain either for profit or not may have their access suspended.

Personal Training services, training instruction, and/or activities related to training another individual or group are only permitted by individuals that are specifically employed by Saint Mary’s College for the purpose of training services or instruction.  Personal Training Policy 

Member’s personal fitness or exercise equipment must have approval from management before use. If at any time personal fitness equipment presents a danger to oneself or others, a member’s use of personal equipment will be denied.

Group Exercise, Functional Training, and Spin Room are available for open recreation in the event that an approved scheduled reservation is not in progress.

Gymnasiums are only to be utilized by active Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center members and approved rentals.

Food is not permitted in the activity spaces or gymnasiums. 

Drinks are required to be in a resealable container. No open cups.

Shoes that may present a danger include, but are not limited to boots, sandals/flip-flops, Crocs, flats, and high-heels and are not recommended while participating in activities and programs. 

  • Members who do not wear proper shoes while utilizing weights assume all liability.  
  • Only non-marking shoes are to be worn in the Gymnasiums. High heels are prohibited. 

The use of headphones or earbuds is required when using a personal device for music, workout video, etc. 

Amplified music and sound from a personal device is only permitted in reservable spaces with approved use. 

Any equipment that may cause damage to the hardwood floors is not permitted.

Drop-in Soccer, Volleyball, Badminton, and Basketball is available for members when space is available

All court equipment set-up and take down including the dividers is the responsibility of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center Staff or authorized Club/Organization

Dunking is allowed; however, excessive hanging on rims or nets is prohibited.

In the Double Gymnasium kicking, bouncing, or throwing balls against walls, glass walls, and ceilings is not permitted.

In the Single Gymnasium basketballs, dodgeballs, volleyballs, and indoor soccer balls are permitted for use. Kicking, bouncing or throwing balls against the ceiling is not permitted.

Member’s personal fitness or exercise equipment must have approval from management before use. If at any time personal fitness equipment presents a danger to oneself or others, member’s use of personal equipment will be denied.

Student locker room is designated for SMC Student use and Faculty & Staff Locker Room is designated for SMC professional employees & affiliate member use.  Student Employees are considered students and are asked to use the student locker room. 

Lockers may be rented on an annual, semesterly, or summer basis.

Due to privacy concerns, please refrain from the use of cell phones or cameras of any kind in the locker room. Unauthorized use of cell phones in the locker room may be subject to restricted use of the facility and/or suspension.

Day-use Lockers and Locker Rentals are available for active members of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.

  • Day use Lockers: defined as utilizing the locker during the time in which you are present in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center and/or participating in Campus Recreation activities for the day. Day-use lockers are free of charge and will be cleaned out at closing.  All locks, which remain on lockers will be cut off and personal belongings will be considered lost and found.
  • Locker Rentals: defined as purchasing and signing an agreement to occupy a locker for a designated period of time. See the Locker Rental policy below.

Campus Recreation does not provide members with locks for lockers.

SMC Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings.

Activity spaces, Locker rooms, and pool area must be vacated at closing.

If given reason, Campus Safety may access lockers.

All locker renters must be a current member of the Joseph L Alioto Recreation Center. If membership is canceled or not continued for any reason, the locker rental is automatically canceled.

SMC Students are only permitted to rent out lockers in the Student Locker Rooms and faculty/staff/affiliate members are permitted to rent out lockers in the Faculty and Staff Locker Room. SMC Students are not permitted to rent out lockers in the Faculty and Staff Locker Room. 

Locker rentals are not permitted in the Single Use Locker Room or digital lockers located in the Faculty and Staff Locker Rooms. 

ADA Locker rentals are only available for those requiring ADA access. 

All locker sales are non-refundable and non-transferable.  No proration of rental cost.

Locks are not provided for locker renters; renters must supply their own padlock. 

The lockers with a digital lock are only permitted for day use only. 

Use of a locker by a person or persons other than to whom it is issued is prohibited. Sharing rental lockers compromises the security by allowing another member access to the locker.

Locker Damage: If any damage is found to the locker, the renter will be held responsible for the cost of repair.

Locker Clearance Date: The last day of instruction for the semester is also the final day to clear your locker. All items MUST be cleared out by closing on the last day of the semester/month of the rental agreement. If items are left in a rented locker past the rental expiration date, all locks will be cut off and items will be kept lost and found.

SMC Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings.

Locker rental renewals will begin approximately two (2) weeks prior to the end of the purchased semester. 

No food or beverage other than water is to be stored in the rented locker.

Activity spaces, Locker rooms and pool area must be vacated at closing.

Outdoor games & equipment checkout is reserved for on-campus groups or organizations that have a Department GL code to charge in the event of damage or failure to return equipment.

Equipment must be reserved 7 days in advance of the event date on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Requests can be made through the Equipment Use & Acknowledgement Agreement Form.

The requester will need to complete the form and submit it for approval

Member will receive an email confirming or denying the rental request 

If approved, details of the rental will be provided and equipment can be picked up and returned to the front desk on agreed dates and times. 

If equipment is not returned on time or is damaged, the GL Code will be charged for the cost of that equipment

Equipment must  be returned on the day of check out to the front desk prior to the close of business. All other arrangements must be communicated prior to equipment pick-up. 

Organized groups (teams, departments, clubs, offices, and such) are required to have a reservation.

All reservation requests must be submitted 7 days in advance for proper communication and approval.

Event set-up and take down is the responsibility of the group.  This includes ordering tables, chairs and IT equipment.  

Reservation group is responsible to arrange the space back to it’s original purpose after the event is complete.

The member requesting to reserve space will be notified if the request is approved or with modifications based on schedule conflicts.

Reservations can be made for a maximum of 2 hours (per day).

Reservations with groups larger than 20 or requesting more than 2 hours must have management approval.

Members who request space during peak hours may be asked to select a different time. 

Reserved space must be used for its intended purpose. An activity space cannot be used as a meeting space.

Non-SMC personnel or instructors must follow the campus Independent Contractor Service Agreement to provide services and/or instruction in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center. See Guest Pass policy regarding restrictions for guests. All services provided for the College, whether a speaker, service, or physical item, need a contract

Amplified music or personal music, members or groups must have an approved reservation. All music selections must be without the use of profanity.

Outside or personal equipment used during reservation must be approved for use. 

All participants involved in the reservation must be active members of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.

Those who are providing academic instruction must be cleared by college policies and paperwork prior to any participation.  

All participants are required to check in appropriately at the front desk.

Non-members are not permitted to participate in reserved spaces and activities at the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center. 

The member requesting the space is responsible for communicating cancellations and changes to management. Updates and changes can be communicated to the front desk at (925) 631-4949

If an individual or group reservation has multiple absences without communication, future reservations will be canceled with notification to the member/group.

The reserved space for groups that arrive early or leave late may not be available.  Changes to dates and times must be communicated in advance.   

Changes to a reservation can be made by management at any time.

Groups that are not affiliated with Saint Mary’s College are considered outside organizations must have an approved rental reservation, signed contract and liability insurance to use the facility.  See Rental and Camp Policies below.

All items of value (ex. Phones, keys, wallets, etc.) will be taken to Campus Safety.

All non-valuable items (ex. T-shirts, sweatshirts, shoes, etc.) will be collected and stored until the end of the month. At the end of each month, all non-valuable items will be donated.

SMC Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings.

Top Rope Climbing

Top rope climbing is a style of rock climbing where the climber is securely attached to a rope that runs through an anchor system at the top of the climbing route. The rope is controlled by an auto belay or belayer at the base of the climb, which ensures the climber's safety by managing the slack in the rope and providing a controlled descent when needed. 

  • Appropriate climbing shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Every climber must use a Figure-8 follow-through knot when tying in. 
  • All users must check in at the front desk and check out the appropriate harness equipment & shoes.
  • Member’s personal climbing equipment must have proper approval and be clearly labeled with the owner's name. If at any time personal equipment presents a danger to oneself or others, member’s use of personal equipment will be denied.
  • Members who wish to belay are required to be certified. Certified belay members are required to pass a test with Campus Recreation staff.
  • Climbing, walking, or standing directly above or below a climber is prohibited. 


Bouldering on the climbing wall is an activity which involves the participant climbing to the approved height without a harness or rope. When the participant slips or completes the climb, they will fall to the ground with the crash pad located underneath to protect the fall. 

  • Appropriate climbing shoes must be worn at all times. 
  • All bouldering activities must have appropriate spotters and crash pad placement.
    • A spotter is a person who stands below the climber with arms raised or in a ready position. If the climber falls, the spotter does not catch the climber, but redirects the climber's fall to land safely on a crash pad. 
  • Participants must not be wearing a harness or attached to any ropes/auto belay.
  • All parts of the climber's body must remain below the approved height line. 
  • Failure to stay below the approved bouldering height line will result in denied use of the climbing wall.
  • Climbing, walking, or standing directly above or below a climber is prohibited.

Campus Recreation has the right to remove any persons or equipment that might present a danger to themselves or others.

Climbing Wall Gear Check-Out

  • Equipment checkout is only available to active Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center members.
  • Proper checkout at the front desk must be done at the time of equipment checkout.
  • All equipment is checked out on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • All equipment that is checked out is the responsibility of the member who it was issued to. 
  • Replacement fees may be charged in the event that equipment is lost or damaged.
  • Members with an outstanding balance for lost or damaged equipment will not be permitted to checkout additional equipment or may have their membership suspended until the outstanding balance is corrected.

Unauthorized Access - the following is strictly prohibited and may lead to suspension of membership.  

  • Entering or exiting through the aquatic area emergency gates.
  • Entering the aquatic area during non-operational hours.
  • Opening the emergency gates to allow others to enter the aquatic area.

Appropriate swim attire is required at all times in the aquatic area. See Campus Recreation Swim Attire Policy.

Alcohol and Drugs are not permitted.

  • Members suspected to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol will be asked to leave the facility. The employees have the authority to inspect any beverages.

Smoking or vaping is never permitted in any areas of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center including the pool area.

Inappropriate conduct and the use of profanity throughout the aquatic area is prohibited.  Please refer to Disorderly Conduct Policy in Student Handbook Page 9 section 3.

Gawking and leering at individuals in the facility and pool area is strictly prohibited. See Onlooking Policy

Public displays of affection (PDA) or intimate behavior that may cause discomfort to others is prohibited within the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.   

Service Animals are the only animals permitted.  Please refer to the Student Handbook.

Class projects that include the use of space, photos, videos, and audio must have approval prior to taking place.  

  • Videography and Photography must have proper approval before use and will require consent of member(s).

Members' use of personal mobile devices in the facility for Videography and Photography must respect the privacy and comfort of all persons. Management reserves the right to ask members to refrain from the use of video or photo on their personal device if the act is a disruption to others.

Drone use in the aquatic area needs approval from management. 

Scooters, rollerblades, and skateboards are not permitted to use in the facility.  The Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center is not responsible for such items left unattended and items cannot be left behind the front desk.

Bicycles are not permitted in the facility.

Personal belongings should remain out of all walkways and paths.  All items left unattended will be collected and treated as lost and found.

Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings.

Use of headphones or earbuds is required when using a personal device. 

Amplified music and sound is only permitted in reservable spaces with approved use.  Members or groups must have an approved reservation. All music selections must be without the use of profanity.

Monopolization of space will not be tolerated in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.  All members must adhere to the proper reservation procedures for group use.  

Campus Recreation prohibits the use of the JARC for personal financial benefit. Individuals utilizing the facility for training, coaching, or teaching for personal gain either for profit or not may have their access suspended.

Personal Training services, training instruction, and/or activities related to training another individual or group are only permitted by individuals that are specifically employed by Saint Mary’s College for the purpose of training services or instruction.  Personal Training Policy 

All members must adhere to the proper reservation procedures for group use.

Audio equipment in the aquatic area is to be used by authorized staff only.

Only certified Lifeguard Employees with Campus Recreation are allowed on the Lifeguard stands and designated lifeguard areas.

Members must adhere to all Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center Policies

Activity spaces, Locker rooms, and pool area must be vacated at closing

Campus Recreation adheres to the rules and regulations as stated in the Saint Mary’s College Student Handbook.


Please Walk. No running on the pool deck.

Members suspected to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol will be asked to leave the facility. The employees have the authority to inspect any beverages.

Glass containers, gum, shelled nuts, seeds, chewing tobacco, and smoking are not permitted in the aquatic area.

Beverages in the aquatic area must be in an unbreakable container, Consumption of food must be at least 5 feet away from the pool and hydrotherapy spa.

Roughhousing, piggyback rides, shoulder rides, and/or horseplay is not permitted.

No diving head first in the shallow end.

Flipping or Twisting off the edge of the deck into the pool is not permitted 

Breath-holding underwater for an extended period of time is not permitted.

Scuba diving and the use of Scuba equipment is not permitted. 

Hanging on lane separation lines is not permitted.

Kickboards, pull buoys and paddles are for lap swimming only. All items are expected to be properly put back after use.

Member’s personal equipment must have proper approval and be clearly labeled with the owner's name.  

Lifeguard staff have the right to remove any persons or equipment that might present a danger to themselves or others.

Only one person on the diving board at a time.

Diving area under the board must be clear before stepping on the diving board.

Hanging, handstands, cartwheels, and sitting on the diving board is not allowed.

Lifeguard staff have the right to ask members not to perform diving board activities that present a danger to themselves or others.

Running on the diving board is not permitted at any time. 

Those with health conditions should consult with a physician before use.

Pool equipment is not allowed in the Hydrotherapy Spa

Diving, jumping, spinning, or twisting is not allowed

Breath-holding underwater for an extended period of time is not allowed.

Bringing pool accessories, floaties, water polo balls and any other items intended solely for pool use do not enter the hydrotherapy spa.

Members in the aquatic area must wear appropriate swim attire while in the water.  Swim attire is recommended to be lycra material. Cotton and/or transparent material is not permitted in the pool or spa.  Please see examples here. 

The following Code of Conduct represents the policy for persons using facilities managed by SMC Campus Recreation in programs administered by the Department staff. It applies to participants, coaches, and spectators. Any organization or individual violating the policy may be restricted and/or suspended from participating in programs and/or use of recreational facilities.

  • The following actions will not be tolerated:
    • Verbal or physical abuse towards ANY intramural staff members
    • This will result in immediate ejection from the game and possible suspension from competing in the intramural department.
  • ​Any player exhibiting signs of intoxication will immediately be removed from the game and face disciplinary actions
  • Physical fighting is not tolerated in intramural competition. Players who use aggressive physical violence in any intramural game will be removed from the game and must meet with the Assistant Director of Recreation Programs.


  • All players are held to a sportsmanship requirement. If the sportsmanship of a player is deemed poor, disciplinary action may be taken.
    • “5” Points: Excellent Sportsmanship
    • “4” Points: Average Sportsmanship
    • “3” Points: Below Average Sportsmanship
      • If a player is ejected or a player receives a technical/yellow card that team cannot receive a rating higher than a “3”.
    • “2” Points: Poor Sportsmanship
      • A team should receive a rating no higher than “2” if they have more than 1 ejection, technical, and/or yellow card.
    • “1” Points: Unacceptable Sportsmanship
      • If  “1” is received, team captain and noted player(s) must meet with Intramural Supervisor or Coordinator to discuss penalties and consequences for actions

In addition to the intramural code of conduct all intramural participants are expected to abide by:

  • The LaSallian Core Principles
  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center Policies

Access to Athletic Training services are for registered Club Sport Athletes Only.  Services are available during operational hours only. 

All registered club sport athletes must schedule an appointment for treatment, evaluation, or rehabilitation. Drop-ins are also welcome. 

Appointments are not required for basic first aid such as taping or wound care.

Be on time to all appointments scheduled. Failure to do so within five minutes will result in scheduling a new appointment.

Equipment must remain in the training room unless otherwise instructed by the athletic trainer. All equipment from the training room must be approved and checked out with the athletic trainer. Any and all equipment used must be returned promptly after use to allow others use.  

Treat and respect this space as you would a medical office. The Athletic Training Room (ATR) should be utilized for first aid, treatment, evaluation, and/or rehabilitation. 

Lingering and socializing is highly discouraged to maximize space for patients.

All personal belongings must be stored properly.

Wear appropriate clothing - shirts and shorts must cover your body to minimize exposure.

No food or drink inside the training room. Water must be contained in a resealable container.

Use appropriate language and be respectful of all persons.

Athletic training services while the recreation center is closed is accessible via side door and limited to the training room space. 

All participants must adhere to Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center Policies and Procedures.

Current SMC Students and Staff/Faculty are permitted to bring a maximum of 2 guest(s) to use the Joseph L Alioto Recreation Center. SMC students are considered the “Sponsor” of the guests and will be required to enter and stay in the facility during the duration of the visit. SMC Employees only need to be present upon the initial purchase. See Guest Policy Here.

Payment for guest use is only available at the front desk and must be made through the payment portal provided (Cash transactions not available).

  • A Sponsor must be a current SMC Student or Staff/Faculty.
  • Guest(s) must be 18 years of age or older and identification may be required to verify.
  • Maximum 2 guests per visit, per day.
  • $10 per guest for students and $15 per guest for staff/faculty, per visit.
  • Guest(s) visitation ends at closing the same day the guest pass is purchased.
  • No refunds/exchanges 
  • Failure to complete payment may result in a loss of guest pass privilege or facility suspension.
  • Sponsored Guest(s) must arrive and enter with the current SMC Student.
  • SMC Student and Sponsored Guests must remain in the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center during the duration of the entire visit. SMC Employees only need to present at the time of purchase for a guest pass.
  • Waiver and Release form is required for each and every visit. Forms are only valid for the purchased date. 
  • In the event of an emergency that involves a sponsored guest the SMC student or Employee is responsible for all communication and needs of guest(s).

Guest(s) of students and employees must follow all SMC Campus and Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center policies. Failure to do so will result in removal from the facility and no longer eligible for a guest visit. SMC students and employees will also be deemed responsible for their sponsored guest actions.

Failure to adhere to the rules above may result in a revocation of your Facility Membership. SMC Campus Recreation reserves the right to remove anyone from the facility who is not following policy.

Joseph L Alioto Recreation Center

  • Groups that are not affiliated with Saint Mary’s College are considered outside organizations must have an approved rental reservation, signed contract and liability insurance to use the facility. 
  • Youth camps hosted by Saint Mary’s College must be approved and scheduled before any use of the facility is permitted.
  • All groups must enter and exit the facility through back emergency doors for gymnasiums use when the approved reservation schedule begins. 
  • Seating area for spectators is limited to the hallway or gymnasium. 
  • Access to the fitness areas and pool is not permitted by any participants, spectators or guests.  
  • All drinks must be in a resealable container and consumption of food is not permitted in the gymnasiums. 
  • Shirts/Top must be worn at all times while in the facility. 
  • Children who are not participants of the camp or organization, must remain with parents/guardians at all times and are not permitted to wander throughout the facility.
  • Spectators are not permitted to use the gymnasiums at any time. Only registered participants are permitted to use the gymnasium during the approved scheduled event. 
  • Service Animals Only.  Please see our Campus policies about emotional support animals.
  • All groups must remain in the reserved area. Wandering throughout the facility is  not permitted.
  • Youth groups & camps must be chaperoned and supervised by a representative from the group at all times.  This includes, but not limited to transitions, water breaks and lunch sessions.  
    • The chaperone/supervisor of the group must be present for any activity to begin. Youth groups may wait in the hallway until the chaperone/supervisor arrives. 
    • The chaperone/supervisor is responsible for all participants to exit the facility upon the end of reservation and must not leave youth unattended at any time.
    • It is not permitted to have unattended youth in the facility waiting to be picked up.  Sponsoring camp/group is responsible for the arrival and departure of all participants. 
  • Access and use of the fitness equipment is not permitted at any time. 
  • Tours are available for rental & camp guests given by SMC employees. 
  • Children who are in transition from the front entrance and back hallway, must be accompanied by a SMC employee.
  • Facility closures and limited hours may affect the scheduled reservation.
  • Facilities policies must be followed at all times.

Pool Use

  • Entrance and exit to the facility must be done through the back emergency gates. 
  • Children under the age of 18 must pass a swim test to use the pool or stay on the pool deck. Participants who do not pass the swim test must exit the pool area. 
    • This is performed in deep water (7 feet).  The swim test consists of swimming 1 length of the pool (25 yards) in deep water. Participants must demonstrate effective breathing and forward motion without touching the sides or bottom of the pool. A certified lifeguard will administer the swim test. 
  • Rental groups such as aquatic related sports like swim team and water polo are responsible for swim competency requirements for all participants.
  • Use of locker rooms for changing must be cleared of all members before any use by children. Single use restroom with a shower is available for use. 
  • In the event of inclement weather conditions, staff shortages or other unforeseen circumstances, Campus Recreation reserves the right to cancel pool reservation at any given time. 
  • Aquatic Area and Pool Safety Policies must be followed at all times.

Patrick Vincent Rugby Field

  • Outside groups can submit a request for a rental through the Facility Rental Request Form (non-SMC group). SMC groups can submit a request for reservation through the Club Sports Field Reservation Request form. 
  • Youth camps hosted by Saint Mary’s College must be approved before any use of the facility is permitted.
  • Outside groups and organizations must have an approved Facility Use Agreement form that includes initials and signatures, and the user must provide a Certificate of insurance and a W9 to use the facility.  
  • If the requester/user has requested and completed the contract process outside of 30 days prior to their rental, the user should be notified of an outstanding deposit fee (50% of total rental fee) due immediately.
    • If the requester/user has requested and completed the contract process inside of 30 days prior to their rental, the total rental fee is due immediately. 
  • All groups must enter and exit the field through the main gate. If the gate is closed, users can contact Campus Safety at 925-631-4282 to open the gate for their scheduled reservation. 
  • Youth groups & camps must be chaperoned and supervised by a representative from the group at all times.  This includes, but is not limited to transitions, water breaks, lunch sessions.  
  • The chaperone/supervisor of the group must be present for any activity to begin. Youth groups may wait at the gate or at the field until the  designated chaperone/supervisor arrives. 
  • The chaperone/supervisor is responsible for all participants to exit the field upon the end of the reservation and must not leave youth unattended at any time.
  • It is not permitted to have unattended youth at the front gate waiting to be picked up.  Sponsoring camp/group is responsible for the arrival and departure of all participants. 
  • Access to field equipment or sports specific equipment is not permitted unless previously arranged with the Club Sports Department and included in the Facility Use Agreement.
  • All gates should be closed and locked at the conclusion of the user’s reservation time, despite any knowledge of other users to follow, to ensure that wildlife do not have access to the field. This is for the safety of the wildlife as well as for the preservation of the field. 
  • Field closures due to existing Saint Mary’s College programming, weather, and/or field conditions may affect the scheduled reservation. In the event of inclement weather conditions, newly scheduled Saint Mary’s College programming, or other unforeseen circumstances, the Club Sports Department reserves the right to cancel field reservations at any given time.

Recreational Turf Field

  • Outside groups can submit a request for a rental through the Facility Rental Request Form (non-SMC group). SMC groups can submit a request for reservation through the Club Sports Field Reservation Request form. 
  • Youth camps hosted by Saint Mary’s College must be approved before any use of the facility is permitted.
  • Outside groups and organizations must have an approved Facility Use Agreement form that includes initials and signatures, and the user must provide a Certificate of insurance and a W9 to use the facility.  
  • If the requester/user has requested and completed the contract process outside of 30 days prior to their rental, the user should be notified of an outstanding deposit fee (50% of total rental fee) due immediately.
    • If the requester/user has requested and completed the contract process inside of 30 days prior to their rental, the total rental fee is due immediately. 
  • All groups must enter and exit the field through the main gate next to the storage shed on the stadium side of the field. If the gate is closed, users can contact Campus Safety at 925-631-4282 to open the gate for their scheduled reservation. 
  • Youth groups & camps must be chaperoned and supervised by a representative from the group at all times.  This includes, but is not limited to transitions, water breaks, lunch sessions.  
  • The chaperone/supervisor of the group must be present for any activity to begin. Youth groups may wait at the gate or at the field until the  designated chaperone/supervisor arrives. 
  • The chaperone/supervisor is responsible for all participants to exit the field upon the end of the reservation and must not leave youth unattended at any time.
  • It is not permitted to have unattended youth at the front gate waiting to be picked up.  Sponsoring camp/group is responsible for the arrival and departure of all participants. 
  • Access to field equipment or sports specific equipment is not permitted unless previously arranged with the Club Sports Department and included in the Facility Use Agreement.
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn on the turf. No metal cleats are allowed. 
  • Chairs, sports equipment, and any other items not already on the field must have flat or rounded surfaces to ensure not to puncture the turf. Any items brought to the field for use during a reservation must be taken with the user after the user's reservation of the field has concluded for that day. Storage of equipment or access to storage areas is not permitted unless previously arranged with the Club Sports Department and included in the Facility Use Agreement.   
  • All gates should be closed and locked at the conclusion of the user’s reservation time, despite any knowledge of other users to follow, to ensure that wildlife do not have access to the field. This is for the safety of the wildlife as well as for the preservation of the field. 
  • Field closures due to existing Saint Mary’s College programming, weather, and/or field conditions may affect the scheduled reservation. In the event of inclement weather conditions, newly scheduled Saint Mary’s College programming, or other unforeseen circumstances, the Club Sports Department reserves the right to cancel field reservations at any given time.


Conference groups whom are in contract with Saint Mary’s College are eligible to purchase a membership to use the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center during the duration of their stay on campus.

Participants must be 18 years of age or older to use the facility during operational hours.

If there are participants under the age of 18, they are categorized as a camp group and must follow all rental and youth camp policies listed above. 

A member is subject to Facility Access Suspension if they have been cited for a Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center policy violation or have been delinquent in paying membership fees that result in an administrative hold being placed on the member's account

A Facility Access Suspension prohibits a member from accessing the facilities and services of the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center until the matter is resolved.

Student accounts are validated nightly through the registrar's office and if their system drops a student from classes, access to the recreation center as a student is denied.  

Administrative Suspension

An administrative suspension will occur when the member’s account does not accurately reflect current matriculated enrollment at SMC or affiliate member payment to access the facility.  This is done to inform the employees that the member’s attention is needed and to take action.  Management will verify discrepancies related to enrollment and membership payment that allows for access into the facility.  

Policy Violation Suspension

In the event a member does not follow policy their membership may face suspension. Members may be approached by an employee at the time of the occurrence and/or be contacted by management about the policy violation. 

Behavior Policy Violation

At the time of the incident, a member can be informed of policy violation and will be asked to comply or leave the premises. Members may also be asked to leave the facility if the policy violation is deemed to be egregious and/or dishonest. For example; intoxication and/or use of drugs or alcohol, fighting and threatening behaviors.

Suspension of approx 7- 10 days will occur immediately  if a member's behavior while at the facility is deemed egregious and/or dishonest. 

After an initial suspension and if the member continues to violate policy in a way that is egregious and/or dishonest, their membership may face suspension that may last 20 - 30 days. 

If a student's behavior violates the code of conduct, the incident will be reported to the Office of Community Life. 

If an employee’s behavior violates the Employee handbook, the incident will be reported to Human Resources.

If an affiliate member’s behavior violates policy, the incident will be reported to Campus Safety.  


Access Policy Violation

In the event that the access policy is not followed, the member will be notified and informed that their membership is suspended. The member will be asked to meet with management before the suspension is lifted and will inform the member through email within 1-2 business days of the occurrence. During this time, the member is not permitted to use the facility.

  • Unauthorized entry into the facility or assisting in an unauthorized entry can be grounds for immediate removal which may lead to a suspension of facility privileges or membership.
  • Violation of access policy listed above includes, but not limited to:
  • Unauthorized Access - the following is strictly prohibited and may lead to suspension or termination of membership.  
  • Unauthorized use of the facility and/or pool area during non-operational hours.
  • Attempting to gain or gaining access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center with a membership account other than what is your own.
  • Attempting to gain or gaining access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center with a barcode from another member on the FusionGo App.
    • Use of a screenshot will not allow access and any member allowing another individual to use a screenshot of the barcode on the FusionGo App may lead to suspension of membership.  
  • Allowing another individual to utilize your membership card or barcode to gain access or attempt to gain access to the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.
  • Allowing another individual to log into your SMC account in order to gain access or attempt to gain access through the SMC Campus Rec App.
  • Assisting in or accompanying another individual who logs into an SMC account or use of a SMC ID that does not belong to the user may lead to suspension of membership.
  • Attempting to utilize or using an emergency exit door to gain access or allow access to members unauthorized individuals or non-members.

In the event a  member repeatedly violates policy the membership may face suspension that may last 7-10 days. Members will be informed by email and access to the recreation center will be denied during this time. 

If a member continues to violate policy after the first suspension, their membership may face suspension that may last 20 - 30 days. Members will be informed by email and access to the recreation center will be denied during this time.

College administrators may also apply a suspension to a membership or restrict access due to campus related policy violations. 

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